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  • The church's ban on contraception stunned many, including one of the doctors who created the pill, Harvard's John Rock, a Catholic.

    Christians Examine Morality Of Birth Control 2010

  • Their names are Tom Rock -- I'm sorry -- John Rock, Tom Martin, they were members of the Confederate Hammerskins here in the State of Florida.

    CNN Transcript Jun 12, 2009 2009

  • (When John Rock, inventor of the Pill, established the 13-periods-a-year formula he did so to convince the Pope that using the Pill was akin to the rhythm method of contraception.)

    Pamela Paul: The Truth, Period 2008

  • For ex-ample, John Rock, the former manager of GM's Oldsmobile division, was quoted last year saying, "We knew we would hit rock bottom in '97, and we would find out whether the dogs would eat the dog food in' 98."

    The New Power Breakfast 2008

  • By the late 1950s, Drs. Gregory Pincus and John Rock, working out of a clinic in Massachusetts, had come up with Enovid 10, a synthetic hormone that suppressed the release of eggs from a woman's ovaries.

    CNN Transcript May 11, 2003 2003

  • In the inventory of the estate of the late John Rock appeared in 1776

    The Journal of Negro History, Volume 5, 1920 Various

  • California in the desert region and one in Niles where John Rock, the great pioneer horticulturist of California, had his orchards.

    Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Eleventh Annual Meeting Washington, D. C. October 7 and 8, 1920

  • In Rachel Brock's initial court appearance, acting attorney John Rock argued that the judge should free her on bond because there appeared to be no physical evidence to support any of the charges.

    Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion 2011

  • In 1954, John Rock, the doctor who was leading the research on the pill, expressed the breathless excitement shared by many of his colleagues: An oral contraceptive, he said, "would be the greatest aid ever discovered to the happiness and security of individual families - indeed, to mankind" because "the greatest menace to world peace and decent standards of life today is not atomic energy but sexual energy."

    NYT > Home Page By ELAINE TYLER MAY 2010

  • Village Attorney John Rock said town officials were "a little shocked" when they saw that - 2010


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